VSEP Membrane Cleaners In addition to filtration systems, New Logic manufactures a complete line of chemical cleaners designed to maintain maximum flow rates in all VSEP applications.Years of exhaustive research and development by New Logic engineers have resulted in seven chemical cleaners formulated to attack the most stubborn foulants across a wide range of membranes and feed streams.While designed for VSEP membrane filtration systems, these advanced formulas are perfect for cleaning any membrane.To learn more about VSEP Advanced Cleaning Solutions, please choose a link below to visit our sister site http://www.membranecleaner.com/.
While membrane-based separations of liquids from solids have enjoyed increasing popularity over the last 20 years, the technology has an inherent Achilles heel that affects all membrane devices: fouling. This long-term loss in throughput capacity is due primarily to the formation of a boundary layer that builds up naturally on the membranes surface during the filtration process.In addition to cutting down on the flux performance of the membrane, this boundary or gel layer acts as a secondary membrane reducing the native design selectivity of the membrane in use.
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